Google knows all. How do I know? I know because I do Google ads by day and they NEVER try to get you to pay them money, right? and they NEVER make “you” the product, right? Ha, ha. Just kidding. Of course they do. They sell products AND you are the product.
Nevertheless, on this particular day, I wanted to check on the cause of mood disorders. And I wanted to confirm the difference between disorders and diseases. So I asked Google. And its response was “The main difference between a disorder and a disease is that a disease has a known cause, while a disorder usually doesn’t.” Hmm, I thought.
Ha ha ha! My sneaking suspicion was right. Psychiatrists are full of…poop. How so? Because they often treat patients like they have a disease. Why else would they simply prescribe medication without real testing, real physical evidence?
Wait, wait… I know what you’re thinking. “Scott, are you saying that psychiatrist are bad people?“ Of course not. But I want to work on the root cause of a problem.
And quite frankly, many people in our society, don’t do the work to dig deeper for the root cause or to search for the truth…on anything. They just assume that a multi-degreed person has all the answers to their very personal problems.
Enter, Scott…and, this website.
This website is me intentionally pursuing better thinking as the conduit for creative thinking…and mental health. But it probably isn’t what you are thinking. My approach is, well, different. There are no quick fixes. But I eagerly want to know “how do I pursue mental faith (better thinking) in the midst of a lost and dying world?”
We are holistic beings: spirit, mind, and body. And we need holistic solutions: emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Newsflash, I have a mood disorder, or at least, I was told by the first psychiatrist I saw after a week in a mental institution that I have one. You can read about my mental breakdown in 2023. But I don’t fit the “normal” diagnosis, so I’ve been told. I just happened to get really happy and overly confident for a short week. Regardless of what it was, I’m learning that you can come back from a mental breakdown and have more mental faith. You can improve your thoughts.
This website is about my mind wanderings into creative, God-given pursuits and about the components of identity and mental health from the perspective of a deep thinking, Jesus lover.
What is a Jesus lover? Good question. It’s someone who loves Jesus, yes that historical figure that some people think is not real. But I happen to believe that he is real and he is the Messiah, the one true God.
The journey toward more mental faith is about seeking to find the root cause(s) of your mental block and fighting for your true identity. And that is completely up to you.
If my little about Page inspired you to read on, then you probably should hang out a little bit longer on my blog or you can get all of them in your email on a semi casual basis. Sign up or see the blog.
Note: When you sign up for my newsletter, I would also love for you to say hi!
Read More About Me
Hi, I’m Scott.
I do digital marketing and creative thinking by day and hang out with my family, church community, friends, exercise, and some other stuff by early morning and night. Oh, and basically 24-7, when I’m not sleeping, I think about my thoughts.
I’ve gotten better at it over time. But when I was 39 3/4 I had my first legit mental breakdown. It rocked my world and made me reevaluate my overthinking, and my “half glass empty” perspective on life.
If you want the longer story, you can check out my blog. And the other pages on this site.
The short story is, I got better at positive thinking and redirecting my thoughts to ask God what he thinks about them. And that has made all the difference for my creative ideation.
Now, I help men who are at a crossroads and are wrestling with any of the following:
- who God called you to be and how God made you
- overcoming mental blocks and learning what relationship with God and others was meant to be like
- pursuing confidence and clarity in God’s purpose for your life and all God has called you to be
- finding meaningful work in an age of work and life chaos
If God has given you ideas, dreams, and wants, then you are in the right place. Let’s explore those together. And let’s consider together what it means to have more mental faith, the conduit through which you grow.
Join with me in my quest for mental faith and better creative thinking.
If you’d like to read about my mental breakdown, read this article.
If you’re here to pursue creative ideas and an identity in Christ with rock solid mental faith, which I describe as how to think better, sign up to receive my email newsletter.
Have a great day.
Sincerely, Scott