I started reading through the Bible front to back when I came to the realization of my own pattern of reading the Bible – scattered and simply looking to fill something specific in my own life. I finally noticed this was me trying to ‘force’ my agenda on the Bible. At the same time, I realized that many times I neglected reading the Word as a habitual, daily practice for other things like serving in the church or a men’s Bible study centered around books that shared their beliefs from the Bible. These were seemingly well and good but secondary to actually going to the source and reading the word of God. Time and time again I sacrificed my own Scripture reading with other things that cannot replace simple, consistency in the Word.
Secondly, I wondered why my religion looked so different from the Jewish religion as far as how they were taught the Bible as children. Jews memorized the Old Testament early on, they knew it deeply. The theme that I had experienced growing up in the Christian church was a lack of knowledge of the word of God outside of the pastor and certain individuals that were deeply committed to the Word. My parents were in that bunch, but they were different than most of the others in the church. Over time I became more disenchanted and confused by the amount of church attendance, services, and programs that, for most people including myself, replaced the simple, yet necessary practices of reading God’s word and prayer.
To me this was sort of a reset in mindset. I had tried to read through the Bible before but ultimately got lost in the archaic language of Deuteronomy. This time, I would print off a daily chapter through the Bible reading pamphlet that I created and printed on my home computer and check off the box hoping I could be consistent and not lose my place.
I found that this helped, not only with consistency but also in remembering my exact place from the previous day. Without it, I would close the book one day and then pick it up the next with my memory guiding me as to where I left off. In my past, this would result in a lot of re-reading, eventually to frustration, and finally quitting.
As far as how quickly I’ve read through, i have a yearly bible reading calendar and admit that though some seasons I have read through in a year, others I have simply committed to reading one ‘checkbox’ at a time which results in 2ish years. The point is that you continue and press on. The goal is that you continue, what my pastor calls ‘water over rocks’ reading. It is not for deep meditation per-say but to constantly fill your cup with the Word.
Reading the word front to back has helped in several ways:
Greater Perspective on the Full Story of the Bible
It has given me greater perspective into the overall themes of the Bible. It reminds me of who I am in Christ and what the Bible’s holistic objective is, and what the gospel is truly about. When you read the whole Bible you start to see rhythms and that the Bible is not a guidebook for you but about learning who God is and the struggle that is the human life. It is primarily about the continual dilemma between individuals, churches, and organizations either fearing man or fearing the Lord. This is not a yes or no question but a continual pursuit of fearing the Lord in all things.
Greater Patience in Waiting for Jesus
Patience and self control – there is an instant gratification that comes through primarily reading through and studying the New Testament or the bits and pieces that only I want to read, to fill my agenda and ask God only for what I want. While this is not a bad thing to come to God in prayer asking for what you want, as a habitual practice you can lose sight of the point. Reading the whole Bible teaches you to wait and push through the endless struggle and blatant foolishness of the Israelites over and over again. You can read the archaic language with a commitment that has over time, changed me. By the time I get to the New Testament there is this longing and waiting that can only be concluded through Jesus. The Old Testament prepares the way with small pictures of the gospel and the future sanctification awaiting us through Jesus.
There are many other ways that I am not cognizant of I am sure. I have come to love it and genuinely disappointed when I miss my morning reading and simply checking off the box. If you’ve had trouble reading through the Bible I recommend you try something like it.